How the pagers were detonated, like this!

Was the explosion of the pagers an Israeli intelligence success or the product of a failed trade by Hezbollah?

How the pagers were detonated, like this!

Without further ado, let me explain how the pagers used by Hezbollah members were turned into bombs.

The incident was as follows: A few members of Hezbollah, who were easy to buy and sell, were bought and provided to leak information from within the organisation. Hezbollah started looking for pagers for communication. This situation was immediately reported to Mossad. Learning about this, the Israeli intelligence organisation MOSSAD started to manage and direct its field agents and advised the managers of the organisation on a brand model. This brand model is incredibly cheap, high quality, integrated with many systems. It is even marketed in the sales portfolio as so safe, so wonderful, so perfect. The organisation, which hears this at a price that is less expensive than free, orders these products and waits for them to arrive.

In the background, MOSSAD has started its work. What does it do, it buys the factory where the pagers are produced! Yes, he buys the factory you know. Then it produces pagers, radios, telephones, computer hardware, whatever Hezbollah needs. During production, he adds Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate powder, also known as PENT, PENTA, TEN or Korpent, into the battery. Adding 20 grams of this powder will be enough to kill a person.

Afterwards, he delivers the pagers to his agents in the field, and the pagers are distributed to all members of the organisation, managers, even to those who benefit from the organisation, and perhaps even to Hezbollah agents who pretend to be Israelis but work for Hezbollah. The devices, which are timed to reach a certain temperature, explode at the same time, killing tens of people and injuring thousands. Mossad did not stop there, it also deciphered all the members of the organisation. They went to the hospital. Records were opened, all information from telephone number to home address was given. MOSSAD obtained this data through field agents or internet systems. So worse days await those who didn't die.

So what happened on the second day? 

Hezbollah officials, who did not get wise from the dead and exploded devices on the first day, continued to use the radios that came with the same order on the same day. On the second day, the same attack was carried out and again dozens of people were killed and hundreds were injured, and these were also deciphered.

Hacking, remote access, remote detonation, etc. are fabricated stories. The men produced pocket bombs in their own factory, sent them to Hezbollah and detonated them when the time came.
They carried out a clean and very simple operation. What I cannot understand is how Hezbollah fell into the same trap on the second day. Let us remember what the Prophet Muhammad said in the Hadith: ‘A Muslim cannot be poked twice in the same hole.’